Did you know that
some species of aster flower named "Michaelmas Daisies" for
the saint's day their flowers came to adorn?

(New England) or Michaelmas Daisy - Aster novae-angliae |
There are over 600 species of
aster, the most popular being the Monte Casino. The English gave this flower two
names, asters and starworts.
In 1637 North American asters crossed the Atlantic to Europe
where they were hybridized with European asters and renamed "Michaelmas
Daisies." for the saint’s
day its flowers came to adorn. Aster
is Latin for star, and referred to its star-like shape. Ancient
people believed that the odor of its leaves, when burnt, drove away
serpents. Shakers traditionally used the plant to cure mad-dog
bites in the 1600s. Wort meant root,
which signified plants with healing properties. And Asters were laid
on the graves of French soldiers to symbolize the wish that things had
turned out differently.
A greek myth says that this kind of flowers began to grow from the tears of
Asterea, the Greek
goddess of the starry sky (also known as Virgo in Rome), who cried because she saw no stars
when she looked down upon the earth.
Aster flowers are produced in beautiful clusters with extended
flowering periods in late summer and early fall.Excellent for
butterfly gardens.Attracts
butterflies very easy. Use at back of beds or for mass plantings. Sow
seeds outdoors any time from spring through summer up to two months
before frost. For best results, sow indoors, maintaining a soil
temperature of 70-75°F. Germination takes 15-20 days. Plant in full
sun or very light shade in rich well drained garden soil, 2-15"
apart. Pinch in late spring to induce branching and stimulate
Source: sse_planting_guide.htm