Did you know that
Snowdrop ( Galanthus) is the first flower of the year?
Snowdrops: harbinger of spring

Snowdrop ( Galanthus)
These are hardy bulbs, originally from
Europe and Asia Minor. Two or three straplike leaves, dark green in
color, grow from each bulb. The white flowers are usually borne singly, mostly in early spring but sometimes in
mid to late winter, which makes them the earliest flowering bulb. In the south they may
bloom from late fall through winter. The three inner petals have green tips and overlap
the outer petals to form a tube.
The bulbs should be planted 3-4 inches
deep in early autumn in fertile soil. They will thrive in sun or shade. Use the in rock
gardens or as an edging plant. Snowdrops are also a good choice for
forcing, naturalizing,
and planting in lawns. Plant them with other early bulbs such as miniature irises and
They may be left undisturbed for many
years, but if you plan to move them or propogate the bulbs, lift just as the flowers