Did you know that
there are two import groups in the genus Zantedeschia (Calla Lily),
winter flowering and summer flowering?
Zantedeschia (Calla Lily)
The striking Zantedeschia, also known as the Calla
Lily, is a timeless symbol of purity. You may find it gracing sacred ceremonies from weddings to
funerals, and nearly any type of event in between. Especially popular
in the modern workplace, the Calla Lily emanates an air of
sophistication in every setting. And though it has no fragrance, the
inviting blossom beckons a close examination.
The name Zantedeschia
was first established in 1826 by Sprengel, but other commonly used
names for this species such as Calla and Aroides have been used for at
least 400 years. There are two import groups in this genus.
Zantedeschia aethiopica
- the winter flowering varieties such as the common white arum, Green
Goddess and Z. odorata. These are characteristed by shiney green
leaves that do not die down in winter. This group flowers right
through winter to late spring and produces a rhizome.
Summer flowering
Zantedeschia - these are made up of five original remaining species in
which the leaves die completely down in winter and flower during the
summer months. It is from these five species that the full range on
new colour hybrids have been developed. The tuber or bulb from this
group is quite distinctly different from the rhizome of the winter
flowering Z. aethiopica.
The genus
Zantedeschia naturally occurs in the African continent and is most
common in the Southern African States including the Cape Province,
Lesotho, Natal, Orange Free State, Swaziland and Transvaal. They are
also found further North in Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
and Nigeria. The natural habitat of the summer flowering varieties is
a warm temperate climate with rain fall mainly occuring in the Winter.
Conversely the Z.aethiopica group is more commonly found in regions of
summer rain fall, the plants often occuring in wet land areas.