Some Earth-like Worlds May Have Foliage of Colors Other Than Green
In the next decade, when scientists are able to study
Earth-sized worlds around other stars, they may find that foliage on some of the planets is predominantly
yellow--or orange, or red. It all depends on the color of the star the planet orbits and the stuff that makes up the planet's
is an illustration of what plants may look like on different planets. |
That's the conclusion of researchers from the Virtual Planetary
Laboratory, a NASA-funded initiative at the California Institute of
Technology, who are announcing today results from a series of comprehensive computer models for guiding the future search for plant life on other
worlds. Two related papers on what to expect out of photosynthesis are being issued in the journal
Determining the range of possible colors is important because scientists need to know what to look for when they begin getting spectra of light from faraway
Earth-sized planets, says lead author Nancy Kiang, a biometeorologist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space
Studies, and currently a visitor at Caltech's Spitzer Science Center.
"The dominant color of photosynthesis could be yellow, or orange, or maybe
red," Kiang explains. "I think it is unlikely that anything will be
blue--and, of course, green plants are also a possibility, since that's what we have
"What makes this study unusual is the highly interdisciplinary method by which planetary
scientists, atmospheric scientists, biologists, and others have pooled their efforts in modeling the possible spectra of light available to plants on
Earth-like planets orbiting around other stars," says Vikki
Meadows, an astrobiologist at Caltech and lead scientist of the Virtual Planetary
Laboratory. Because the study requires data about everything from the type of photons given off by a
main-sequence star in a particular stage of its life, to the depth of water that an aqueous plant might
prefer, a huge variety of information is required.
"No single astronomer or biologist or atmospheric scientist could have attacked this problem individually to get the
simulation," says Meadows, who is herself an astrobiologist whose original academic training was in
astronomy. "So these papers are truly interdisciplinary pieces of
The researchers focused on the way plants use light for energy to produce
sugar--which is pretty much the definition of photosynthesis--because photosynthetic pigments must be adapted to the available light
spectrum. The available light spectrum at a planet's surface is a result of both the light from the parent star and filtering effects of gases in the
atmosphere. For example, ozone absorbs ultraviolet light, so that not much reaches Earth's
"It turns out that the spectrum of the number of particles of light is what is
important, and on Earth there are more particles in the red," Kiang
explains. "This could explain why plants here on Earth are mainly
On Earth, plants absorb blue light because it is energetic, and red light because the photons are
plentiful. There is more than enough energy from the blue and red in
sunlight, so plants do not really need more. Therefore, they reflect away relatively more green
light, which is why plants appear green to us.
A planet orbiting a star with the size and temperature roughly like our
sun, and with Earth's particular mix of oxygen and what-have-you, would tend to have plants that like to soak up light in blue and red and less in
green. But the situation could be different on other planets, where other colors of the spectrum might
predominate. In those cases, another color like red might not be so
useful, and the plants would mostly appear red.
There are many other factors, such as the role not only ozone plays but also carbon dioxide and water
vapor, how the stellar radiation creates chemical reactions in the
atmosphere, whether the star is prone to solar flares, how much water is on the
planet, how much light gets to the surface, what gases are produced by the plants
themselves, and so on. This is why a complex computer model was
Also, one might wonder what things could live on a planet with very little
ozone, for example, where radiation would be a daily assault on living
organisms, and energetic particles from solar winds would be like deadly microscopic
bullets. Meadows says the modelers have taken such scenarios into
consideration, and they think that there might be a "sweet spot" a few to tens of feet below the surface of the water where life is protected from UV
"We found that the sweet spot could be up to nine meters underwater for a planet orbiting a star significantly cooler than our
sun, and photosynthesis could still take place," she says. "Something with a floatation capability could be protected from solar flares and still get enough photons to carry
In short, the new model provides a powerful tool for looking for life on other
worlds, Meadows says.
"We once thought that planets around other stars were exceedingly
rare," she explains. "But every time telescopes have gotten
better, we've been able to find more and more Jupiter-sized planets. So there's no reason to think that there aren't a huge number of
Earth- sized planets out there as well.
"We may not find anything like ourselves, but it's possible that bacterial life is prevalent on these
Earth-like planets," Meadows adds. "If we have the environment for life to
exist, then we think that it's likely that life will emerge in these
The other authors of the two papers are Antigona Segura-Peralta, Giovanna
Tinetti, Martin Cohen, Janet Siefert, and David Crisp, all of the Virtual Planetary
Laboratory, Govindjee, of the University of Illinois, and Robert
Blankenship, of Washington University.
The Virtual Planetary Laboratory was formed as part of the NASA Astrobiology
Institute, which was founded in 1997 as a partnership between NASA, 12 major
U.S. teams, and six international consortia. NAI's goal is to promote,
conduct, and lead integrated multidisciplinary astrobiology research and to train a new generation of astrobiology