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Find out how to take the best care of the Flowers and Plants that you may bring home from our store. Some helpful hints from our flower doctor are listed below.

How to take the best care of your Plants

Green/Flowering Plants:

  • Place near sunny area, avoiding direct sunlight in summer.

  • Only water when the soil is dry to the touch. Avoid over watering for this will cause root rot.

  • Fertilize periodically following grower's directions.

  • Avoid excessive heat or cold.

  • With flowering plants, remove dead flowers as soon as possible

Flowering Plants

Flowering plants need good light, moderate temperatures, reasonable humidity, uniform moisture in the soil, and a little fertilizer occasionally.

Flowering plants need all the sunshine that can be provided in your home, particularly in winter. Place them near an east or south window. 

Most flowering plants grow best at night temperatures of 50 - 60 degs. F, and day temperatures of 65 - 70- degs. F. DO NOT place them over radiators. Keep them out of drafts. Keep room humidity as high as possible. Increase humidity around the plant by placing it in a plant box or jardiniere filled with moist peat moss.

Inspect soil daily and add water when the soil feels dry to the touch. When watering, wet the soil all the way down.

If you keep flowering plants longer than six to eight weeks, some plant food should be added. Follow directions on the fertilizer package.

Foliage Plants

Foliage plants grow better if you give them proper light, suitable temperatures, adequate moisture and a little plant food.

Place foliage plants in or near a window where they receive good light during part of the day. Most plants do not like the intensely bright sunshine of midsummer. They thrive near a south or east window during the fall, winter and spring months. If you cannot place them near a window, use artificial lights over them. 

Keep the soil moist. Examine it once a week. When the soil feels dry to the touch, add enough water to wet the soil all the way to the bottom of the pot. Be sure that any excess water is drained off.

Most foliage plants thrive best at night temperatures of 60 - 65 degs. F and day temperatures of 70 - 80 degs. F.

Since the amount of soil and nutrients available in a small pot is limited, small quantities of plant food are desirable at three- to four-week intervals, used according to the directions on the package.







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Allow our flower doctors to answer any question pertaining to the care of your Valentine floral creations' floral arrangements, cut flowers or plants. We take great pride in being a learning resource that gives you, our customer, the confidence you need to keep your flowers or plants beautiful. Contact us and we will be happy to respond to your question in a timely fashion. Thank you for your interest in
Valentine floral creations.. Greek Flowers Portal

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