Famous Movie Kiss
Clark Gable
and Vivien Leigh in "Gone With the Wind"
A survey released
in France just in time for Valentine's Day has found that the French believe the most beautiful kiss they have ever seen was the one Clark Gable planted on Vivien Leigh's mouth in
"Gone With the Wind".
The second-best smacker went to Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet in
"Titanic", the poll by the IFOP institute showed, dealing another blow to the Gallic
self-image that the French make the best lovers.
And the celebrities the 992 adults questioned said they most wanted to kiss -- US star Richard Gere and Italian actress Monica Bellucci -- did little to restore national
Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet in
Bringing things back to
earth, the survey discovered that the favourite locations for a kiss
were, in order: the lips (38 percent), the neck (23 percent), the cheeks (10
percent), the breasts (four percent) and the hands (two percent).
When it comes to Valentine's Day, February 14, nearly half the men said they planned to do something special for their
lover, while only a third of women said they would make the effort.
A little gift was considered the ideal sign of affection by three-quarters of the
respondents, and nearly two out of three said a restaurant meal was also on the
cards, while the remainder thought home cooking was in order.